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We have collected for you the best deals and the best prices for the traveler. Start exploring St. Petersburg with our package offers
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This summer's packages

GO: explore city and stay connected
This package is suitable for an active traveler: it includes a communication package with sim card and unlimited internet, and transport card for unlimited trips for three days

GO: best museums and connection pack
Exclusive access to the best city attractions: Peterhof Palace and Park, Tsarskoe Selo and many others. Unlimited Internet and mobile communication, as well as a transport card for any trips around the city

GO: explore city and stay connected
This package is suitable for an active traveler: it includes a communication package with sim card and unlimited internet, and transport card for unlimited trips for three days

GO: best museums and connection pack
Exclusive access to the best city attractions: Peterhof Palace and Park, Tsarskoe Selo and many others. Unlimited Internet and mobile communication, as well as a transport card for any trips around the city
GoRussia Fan Exclusives
Things to do at St. Petersburg
Museums, Palaces and Gardens
Ballet and entertainment
Night Life
Sightseeing tours
City tours
Eating Out
St. Petersburg on Instagram
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